Saturday, January 29, 2011

Minus+Minus = Plus ?

If you've all sincerely read the preface, the smarter of you might have figured I link a lot of my thoughts to movies. And the smarter ones can also figure out who those smart people are. :P

(Recursive pj. Don't blame me, a lot of my friends are from computers.)

Okay, so I was discussing The Social Network with my mom today, about its foundation, its basis.
About how it all started over an ugly spat with a girl, adding on to the misery of being labelled a dork throughout his college life. And how he screws over his roommate, his best friend, over missing out on the Phoenix club.
Hot, spicy vengeance, fresh from the oven of jealousy.

Anyways, my question is; are the greatest ideas in the world all built using bricks of negativity ?

Before raging to the bottom and commenting 'Dude, you can't stereotype.', just think about it.
Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal, the world's most beautiful tomb. Romeo & Juliet is awe-inspiring, yet a tragedy.

We don't necessarily need to jump 500 years back to quote more. Take a look at Hollywood. People follow the take-make-rake methodology. Take out anything tragic, from the pages of history, or the present. Make a movie out of it. Rake millions out of it. Slumdog millionaire made Danny Boyle a millionaire, (though to me, he's still a slumdog.). Titanic. Period.

Heck, even I made this blog out of negativity. I entered a really depressing domain name at first, and changed it later. In any case, the idea of whether me writing a blog is one of the greatest ideas ever, is debatable. :P

Is creativity just a consequence of negativity ?
Is minus + minus = plus ?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Preface :P

I can say, with some certainty, that this is the first time you are reading something titled as preface, right ? :)

One may also call this an intro, but then, there'd be nothing funny about that.

Okay then, down to business.
There're certain reasons why I'm blogging. Yes, you really need to know them, as you may consider some dangerous assumptions, like:

1. Writing freakish stuff about your ex-girfriend (well who wouldn't.. it's ex, after all). (Mark Zuckerberg)

2. Trying to eemprove my eenglish.

3. Sharing my love stories, having both happy, and heartbreaking endings.

4. Just because it's cool.

5. Make money.

No offence to anyone having one or more of the above reasons. Especially you Mr. Zuckerberg. Please spare my profile !! (As if I won't create a new one. )

Something about me first: I'm currently doing an internship in Baroda, Gujarat. Baroda, where the water is sweet, the air is cool, and life...isolated. My family's in Rajkot, 300 kms from here, and my friends..well, Patiala, Delhi, Bangalore. You name it. Demographic mess.

Recently, (and after a long, long wait) I watched The Shawshank Redemption. I think I can explain why I'm blogging, using that. As you might infer from the description of the blog, my thoughts are like prisoners in the Shawshank prison (Although it's not a life sentence, just of 6 months. Phew! ). Day after day, they are yearning more and more to break free, of this confinement. So Captain Thought was bathing in a tub, and suddenly, he said, "Eureka! A Blog ! How simple." He exclaims to his fellow thoughts, "Gentlemen, it's time to move. To gallop. To fly. Pull up your socks,'s still cold in the north. :|"

Anyways, let me make some things clear. I'm writing on this blog because: (looks like a 5 mark question :P )

1. I love words.
2. I love writing.
3. I love creation.
4. From equations 1,2 and 3, I think it's time for my cheesy one-liner status messages on facebook into something. What exactly, I don't know.
5. To show off. Who am I kidding.
(One may say I also love italics.)

WARNING: Readers may stumble upon the most depressing paragraphs they've ever read. Don't worry, I'm generally a very sweet, humble and polite person. Some people actually call me an angel.
No, they don't.

Anyways, you've made it this far, go get yourself a lollipop. :P

Feedback will always be appreciated. (And not rewarded.) I even welcome spam, because right now, my world is like an empty world of a dream, in Inception. You're the one populating it.

Cheers. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011



In an age completely owned by facebook, things like blogs are soon evaporating. Facebook, where it is so simple to view, LIKE, and express opinions. Facebook, where you can peep into the social lives of your friends, with utmost ease, and gawk at all the pictures you want, as long as you want. Facebook, which makes time run nastily fast.

Yet here I am. And so are you. So, welcome aboard ! :)